为了有资格获得第四章资助,学生必须取得令人满意的学业进步. 用于经济援助目的, 进步是由学生的平均绩点来衡量的, 获得的学分与尝试的学分的百分比, 以及学术课程的长度. 财政援助办公室在Populi每学期结束时监测SAP(定性和定量审查). The Title IV SAP policy at CCMS is as strict as the SAP policy for students enrolled in the same program of study who are not receiving Title IV funds at CCMS and adheres to the SAP regulations as outlined in the FSA Handbook, 卷1, 第一章, 页面21-32. In order to assure that students make progress toward earning a degree both in terms of number of hours completed and cumulative GPA, CCMS采用以下财政资助进度满意政策:
进步标准:学业成绩良好, 学生必须在完成学位要求方面取得令人满意的进展. 取得满意成绩的定义是通过所有课程并获得至少2分.每学期在CCMS的平均绩点为100分. 学生必须在至少67%的总学分中取得满意的成绩. 根据CCMS学术进步政策, 如果学生在任何学期的某门课程不及格, 该学生将被勒令休学. 如果学生的累积平均绩点低于1.任何学期结束后,该学生将被开除学籍.
学期进度:学生必须, 至少, 每学期所修课程取得满意成绩(*). *就经济资助而言,及格成绩为A、B、C、D、S、SP或P. 不满意的成绩是F、W、U或I. 审计不算作尝试小时,并没有资格获得财政援助. 注意:不满意的成绩将不被计算在已修学分中,但将被计算在已修学分中.
金融援助 Warning: Warning status will be assigned to a student who fails to meet SAP standards at the conclusion of a semester. 获得经济援助警告的学生将通过CCMS的电子邮件地址收到通知. The student may continue to receive financial aid for one subsequent semester under this status; progress standards must be met to continue eligibility and be in good standing.
经济援助试用期: A student who was assigned 金融援助 Warning status who does not meet satisfactory academic progress standards at the end of the subsequent semester sill be placed on 金融援助 Suspension. 如果学生选择对停学提出上诉,上诉将被批准, 该学生被置于经济援助缓刑状态. 获得经济援助试用期的学生可以在接下来的一个学期获得经济援助. A student on 经济援助试用期 may be placed on an Academic Plan that will require the student to meet certain terms and conditions as determined by the CCMS 金融援助 Appeals Committee. 在SAP财务援助试用学期结束时, 学生必须达到学业进度标准或达到学业计划规定的要求.
• A student on 经济援助试用期 fails to meet progress standards and/or who does not fulfill the requirements in his or her academic plan is placed on 金融援助 Suspension.
•每学期结束时, 如果学生没有获得满意的成绩至少67%的总学分尝试, 他/她/他们将被暂停经济援助. 如果学生在任何学期中不及格,该学生将被停学. 如果学生的累积平均绩点低于1.任何学期结束后,该学生将被开除学籍.
•一个学期没有获得任何学分的学生. Any student on 金融援助 Suspension is ineligible for further financial aid and can only receive financial aid again if eligibility is regained by successfully appealing or making up the deficient hours.
EVALUATION PROCESS: Students who do not make SAP are notified by e-mail at their CCMS address of their status (金融援助 Warning, 经济援助试用期, 或暂停资助).
•获得所有I的学生, F, W, 在任何学期尝试的课程中,成绩为U或U的学生将被暂停经济资助.
•重修课程将计入学分. (注:除经审核的课程外,所有已修课程均计入已修总学时.)
累积进步:在学术上有良好的地位, 学生必须在完成学位要求方面取得令人满意的进展. 取得满意成绩的定义是通过所有课程并获得至少2分.每学期在CCMS的平均绩点为100分. 学生必须, 除了以上, 符合现行CCMS学生手册中列出的CCMS保留标准.
最大资格:每学期审查最大资格. 如果一个学生已经尝试了足够的时间来毕业, 还没有毕业, 警告邮件将发送到学生的CCMS地址, 提醒他们最高资格标准. 修满150%学分的学生将没有资格获得经济援助, 并且需要上诉才能继续获得财政援助.
重复课程:学生只能获得一次联邦财政资助,以重复以前通过的课程. 根据FSA的指导方针,D分被认为是通过. 需要重复的课程是例外(见下面的例子). Students taking a required repeat of a course should work with the Office of 金融援助 to ensure those credits are counted appropriately for financial aid eligibility. Please note that the student may need to provide documentation from his/her faculty advisor confirming the requirement to repeat.
•允许:如果学生获得不满意或不及格的成绩,可以包括重复的课程. 如果学生没有获得及格分数,则允许重复的次数没有限制, 只要满足SAP标准.
• Allowable: Repeated coursework may be included if a student needs to meet an academic standard for a particular previously passed course, 比如最低分数. 学生在一门课程中得了D,而该课程的学术课程要求最低成绩为C.
•允许:学生注册15学分,其中包括3学分重复以前通过的课程. The student’s financial aid eligibility is not impacted by the repeat because the student is enrolled in a minimum of credits which are not repeats.
• Not Allowable: Student receives a D in a course which does not have a minimum grade requirement for the program and decides to repeat the course to improve his/her GPA. 学生可以重修这门已通过的课程一次, 但是如果学生想要重复一遍, 第二次重复将不计入财政援助资格. 在这个例子中, 该学生注册了12个学分, 包括三学分的第二重修, 所以只有9个学分才算有资格获得经济援助.
所有重复的课程都会影响经济资助和学业成绩的计算. 重复修习的课程连同原修习的课程必须算作修习的学分.
失去经济援助资格的学生可以向经济援助办公室提出上诉. 上诉必须以书面形式填写在令人满意的学业进步上诉表格上, 并须附有适当的证明文件. 上诉可接受的理由有:
• Class cancelled by CCMS; and
SAP上诉限制:财务援助办公室可以批准或拒绝任何SAP上诉. The maximum number of appeals any student may normally have granted during the total of all their enrollment periods at CCMS is two (2). 在极端情况下, 第三次上诉可以被批准, 只要学生有书面证明的情况. 在学生第三次上诉的情况下, 学生前两次上诉的理由将在作出决定时予以考虑. The student’s progress within their academic program will be a determining factor on the rare occasion when a third appeal is allowed.
SAP APPEAL REVIEW AND DECISION PROCESS: All appeals must be submitted in writing in paper or electronic form to the CCMS 金融援助 Office. 提供书面, 如学业进展满意申诉表格所要求的详细资料及文件. SAP申诉将由CCMS财务援助办公室审查.
如果上诉被CCMS经济援助办公室拒绝,学生希望进一步上诉, 学生可向二级上诉指定人员提出上诉. Note: Appeals to the second-level appeal designee that do not contain further explanation and new documentation of the extenuating circumstances will not be approved nor eligible for a second level review and cannot be appealed further.
Section 3509 of the CARES Act allows institutions to exclude from the quantitative component (pace measurement) of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) attempted credits a student was unable to complete as a result of the COVID-19 national emergency. 学生不需要提交SAP申诉,学校就可以行使这种灵活性. 然而, 从SAP中排除尝试的学分, an institution must have reasonably determined that the student’s failure to complete those credits was the result of a COVID-19 related circumstance. 允许的情况包括, 但不限于, 学生或家庭成员患病, 需要成为照顾者或第一反应者, 经济困难, 增加工作时间, 失去托儿服务, 无法通过远程教育继续上课, 由于设施关闭,无法接入wi-fi. 在招生期间,学校临时停办的, 所有受影响的学生(特定于入学期间)的尝试学分可能被排除在外.
关于排除尝试学分对最大时间框架的影响, SAP regulations require that the pace at which students progresses through the program ensures completion of that program within the maximum timeframe. A four-year program consisting of 120 credit hours with a maximum timeframe of 180 credit hours (150 percent of program length) must have a pace of 66.666%(四舍五入到67%), 在每个间隔累积测量, 确保学生在最短时间内完成学业. 例如, 在120个尝试学时中完成78个学时的学生的学习进度为65% (78/120), 低于制作SAP所必需的. 然而, if 12 credits the student attempted but was unable to complete in spring of 2020 are excluded due to a COVID-19 related circumstance, 速度变为72%(79/108),他/她/他们正在制作SAP. 这12个学分被有效地排除在最大时间框架之外,也被排除在进度的衡量之外.
The COVID-19 SAP exception related to the quantitative component applies for the payment periods for the 2019-20 award year. 这包括2020年夏季付款期,该付款期附属于2019-20奖励年度(1).e.2020年夏季付款期附在2020-21奖励年度(1).e.,标头). 《网赌真正的大平台推荐》第3509条没有规定国家紧急状态期以外的时间框架, 声明, “尽管《网赌真正的大平台推荐》第484条(《推荐十大正规网赌平台》第20条).S.C. 1091), in determining whether a student is maintaining satisfactory academic progress for purposes of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070等.), 高等教育机构可以, 因为紧急情况, exclude from the quantitative component of the calculation any attempted credits that were not completed by such student without requiring an appeal by such student."
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